We welcome you to the site of the Twin Cities Pagan Pride organization.

About Twin Cities Pagan Pride

We’re a 501(c)3 organization, and we always welcome volunteers. We also welcome vendors at both our events, and more information about vending can be found both on this site and the event-specific sites linked above. You can also find out ways to support us.

What’s our Mission?

  • To promote religious tolerance for all faiths especially minority faiths, religions and beliefs
  • To educate the general public about minority faiths
  • To dispel and debunk myths and stereotypes about minority faiths and individuals who adhere to such beliefs
  • To provide a forum for the exploration, comparison, contrast, and growth and expansion of diverse spiritual and religious ideas, theories, practices, traditions and views
  • To promote research and knowledge about the history, science, and art of all religions from ancient to modern

 We host two events each year.

Twin Cities Pagan Pride – September 7th, 2013

This a free public fall event, held in cooperation with the international Pagan Pride movement. Head over to our fall event site for more information and details, but there’ll be great music, rituals, vendors, and much more. We also collect a food and charitable donation at this event.

Paganicon 4 – March 14-16, 2014

Paganicon is our spring hotel-based conference offering workshops, an equinox ball, conversation, and other events by the Pagan community for the Pagan community. Discover programming items that challenge you to think in new ways, make new connections, and renew or inspire your religious and spiritual life. (We also add in some great food, lots of chances to hang out and talk, an art show, and much more.) Head over to our Paganicon site for more details, registration information, and information about our plans.