Twin Cities Pagan Pride is a 501(c)3 educational organization. We registered in the state of Minnesota, and got our 501(c)3 federal tax status as of late September 2008. Donations to our events and organization are now tax-deductible. We offer two main events each year, as well as occasional fundraisers and community gatherings (usually featuring a musical performance or other entertainment.)

Twin Cities Pagan Pride’s mission statement is:

  • To promote religious tolerance for all faiths especially minority faiths, religions and beliefs
  • To educate the general public about minority faiths;
  • To dispel and debunk myths and stereotypes about minority faiths and individuals who adhere to such beliefs;
  • To provide a forum for the exploration, comparison, contrast, and growth and expansion of diverse spiritual and religious ideas, theories, practices, traditions and views;
  • To promote research and knowledge about the history, science, and art of all religions from ancient to modern.

Our events:

Twin Cities Pagan Pride is the free Pagan Pride event serving the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Pagan Pride events focus on providing education about Pagans and Paganism to the general public. Our Pagan Pride event is also a great place to provide friendly resources to those curious about Paganism but who aren’t sure where to start.

Paganicon, our spring event that began in 2011, is a conference-style event that includes workshops, rituals, musical performances, and more, by the Pagan community, for the Pagan community. As with similar conferences, there is a registration cost: you can find out more on the Paganicon website.

More information:

We are entirely volunteer run, and rely on many people to make the event a success. Please consider volunteering with us! We also deeply appreciate donations of any size. You can find out more about both of these through our Get Involved page.

We appreciate your help! Check out our Support Us page , we deeply appreciate donations. We’re a 501(c)3 educational organization: all donations are tax deductible.