Twin Cities Pagan Pride Art Contest!

Do you love making art? We need your help!

Twin Cities Pagan Pride is delighted to announce an art contest open to anyone in the community who wants to help illustrate Pagan Pride’s mission and goals. We’re looking for art that we can use on our t-shirts, mugs, and on the web, to help illustrate what we do, and to help encourage those curious about Paganism to learn more.


  • Fame and glory: credit on our website and a link to your website or other contact information as you prefer.
  • Winners will receive a free 6×6 booth at Twin Cities Pagan Pride 2009. These prizes are transferable to an organization or business of your choice if you prefer. Booth can be in the vendor room or the organization row, whichever you like.
  • We will be picking up to three winners.

Open to anyone. However, please note:

  • All entries become the property of Twin Cities Pagan Pride.
  • Winners must be willing to sign a formal transfer of rights to Twin Cities Pagan Pride.
  • Winning entries will be used to promote our organization and events as we see fit.


  • Art suitable to use on t-shirts, mugs, and other items (as well as on the web). Many shapes (square, rectangle, circle, etc.) are all possible.
  • Images can be color or black and white – whichever moves you!
  • You must be able to share the item with us in a high resolution digital image (JPG or PNG) of at least 200 DPI (and higher is better)

Entry deadline is July 15th, 2009. We’ll be announcing the winners shortly thereafter.

Please email your file to We’ll acknowledge receipt after making sure we can open the file. Please include the best way to contact you (i.e. your phone number, email, etc.) so we can contact you before announcing the winners.

We will be selecting up to 3 winners, based on the number of entries.

Judging criteria:
Winners will be selected by the Twin Cities Pagan Pride board. We will be considering several factors when selecting our winners.

  • How it reflects Pagan Pride’s mission and goals. (You can see the national mission statement here:
  • How art would look reproduced in various formats (web, t-shirts, mugs, other items.)
  • Appeal and interest for a wide range of viewers (Pagans, non-Pagans, different Pagan paths.)
  • How it reflects the Twin Cities in specific (rather than something more general.)