We do our best to make Twin Cities Pagan Pride Day as accessible as possible to all attendees – please see further information below and let us know at info@tcpaganpride.org if you have any further questions.


In addition to our kids programming space, we’re providing a smaller room for kids and parents who need a break from the event or somewhere to play.

Parents or guardians must stay with children: we are not providing childcare, only the space. You are responsible for your child’s well-being and safety at all times.

Sabathani has a passenger elevator on the east side of the building (closest to the parking lot): this goes to all floors.

  • Programming events are on the 3rd floor
  • Vendors, food, entertainment, and the info desk are on the 2nd floor
  • Entrance on the 1st floor (there is a ramp at the south east entrance, on 38th Street and the parking lot)
  • Labyrinth in the basement studio (just down the hall from the elevator). However, due to the layout of the labyrinth, it may not be fully accessible to a wheelchair.

Sabathani’s building was originally a school: there are wide hallways and standard or wider doors – however, some programming space may be most accessible from one doorway rather than another due to room layout. Bathrooms include handicapped accessible stalls – however, it is an older building, and these are not always as well placed as we’d like

We’re glad to give more specifics on request.

Food allergies:
Within the limits of our catering, we’ve tried to pick foods that will fit as many preferences as possible – including gluten-free and vegetarian options. If you have specific questions about foods beyond the information in the menu, please ask.

Scent allergies:
We ask all rituals and programming items to avoid incense and other scented items (like oils). However, vendors may sell scented products and individual participants may be wearing them. All vending is in the gym, well ventilated from other spaces, and air circulation in the rest of the building is generally good.

Visual impairment:

Due to the nature of our event and the space, most of our directional information is done through paper signs and colored tape on the floor to direct people to specific locations. We’re glad to provide personal assistance as needed if this is a problem for any reason.

Hearing impairment:
One of our board members is familiar with (and able to converse in) ASL if you have immediate questions, but we are unable to provide interpreters for the event due to cost. We’re glad to help arrange appropriate seating for lip-reading in programming rooms: these rooms are well lit.