Submitting Art

Art Show Now Closed

Hello, Artists! Thank you for wanting to share your art with our community! Our Art Show Submission period has ended. For a list of the artists in this year’s show, click here.

Art pieces that are entered into the art show can be available for sale or not, artists’ choice. Any original art that is sold will stay in the gallery on display until it closes.

In addition, artists have the option of providing prints for sale in our Print Shop. Artists who wish to participate in the Print Shop must provide a comprehensive list of what prints they will bring one month in advance.

All art that is sold through Paganicon is at a 25% commission (the artist receives 75% of the sale). 

Alternatively, there are a (very) limited number of Art Sales Tables available adjacent to the art show for artists that wish to sell their own product. ST19 forms will be required for Art Sales tables. 

Both the Print Shop and Art Sales room are available only to artists that have APPLIED and been ACCEPTED into the gallery. There are questions on the application form asking if you are interested in either option. 

Note that volunteering to staff the Art Show during open hours is mandatory for artists exhibiting and is a condition of your acceptance by the Art Show committee. You will be sent a list of available shifts closer to the event and will be required to sign up. 

Finally, we will have the ARTIST RECEPTION again this year! It will be from 6:00pm to 7:30pm on Friday, March 21st. We ask all artists to do their best to attend this gathering of like minds and fans!