The Friday Night Concert and Equinox Masquerade Ball
The Friday Night Concert:
Crossroad Convergence
The Friday Night Concert is free to all attendees with a weekend registration and a Friday-only registration. This year, we welcome Crossroad Convergence to the stage!

Crossroad Convergence’s story begins in a time lost to memory with a merry band of Elves. Known in the 90s as Elvendrums, they were a captivating group of musicians with an elf-themed stage show. The leader, Avatar Dedannan (Paul Smith), began luring players to his Elf Castle for jams. By 2012, what started as casual jams became Peaty Bog Water, with a core group of five musicians.
David Nebuloni, an exceptional hand drummer, brought the musical spirit that powered Elvendrums. Joe Credit, Jr., a brilliant guitarist and songwriter, moved into the lead guitar spot. Nikki joined as a bassist and singer, bringing her talents on flute and ukulele. Sydney, a powerhouse vocalist and keyboard player, added her jazz, rock, and classical influences.
The group gelled quickly, playing unique covers and original songs. In late 2021, Avatar stepped back for health reasons, and the band rebranded as The Crossroad Convergence in 2022. They recorded their album Penumbra, now available on all platforms.
Saturday’s Equinox Ball:
The Nathaniel Johnstone Band
The Equinox Ball is free to all attendees with a weekend registration or a Saturday only registration. There is also a costume contest held at the ball with three categories: Best Individual Costume, Best Partner/Group Costume, and Best Representation of Theme. The costume contest is held around the midpoint of the ball and winners are determined by applause so bring your friends!
Nathaniel Johnstone is a multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter who sings about humanity, myth and whimsy. His unique sound is inspired by metal, jazz, punk, folk, rock, and blues from all over the world, resulting in music that transcends boundaries of genre or theme.
He has been fronting his own band for the past 15 years engaging with the worlds of Steampunk, various nerd cons, the dankest of goth clubs, and of late the world of witches and pagans. If you held his feet to the fire and asked him what genre of music he plays he’d hem and haw, whine a little bit and then claim the title of Mythpunk.
Joining him on stage is his partner and collaborator Laura Tempest Zakroff (critically acclaimed dancer and artist), and his band: Maddie Cardoza (vocals, keys, sax), Mike Anderson (bass), and Kris Anderson (drums).