The Third Offering Art Gallery

“The first sacred offering is water (life). The second sacred offering is food (sustenance). The THIRD SACRED OFFERING is BEAUTY.”
~ Steven Posch
Attend the Art Show Reception
6:00-7:30 Friday Night only
Conference Rooms B & C
Paganicon 2025 Gallery Artists
Jill Brewster
Chuck Burton
Leo Fortune
Sherry Hagen
Beth Hansen
Donyelle Headington
Helga Hedgewalker
Jennifer Jacoby
Shauna Aura Knight
Alyssa Krakowski
Cassie Liberkowski
Anita Phoenix
Cynthia Porter
Sarah Riley
Paul B Rucker
Jennifer Taylor
Moriah Thielges
Suzy Zahradka
Laura Tempest Zakroff
Jean Zerby
The Third Offering Beginnings
One of the more unique features of Paganicon is the Third Offering “temporary gallery”, which was created to showcase fine arts and crafts made by Pagan and Polytheistic artists, within the context of their own culture. “Third Offering” references three traditional offerings of gratitude to the Gods– Water (for life), Food (for sustenance), and Beauty (to feed the soul).
The gallery began in seed form in 2012 with a two-person exhibition by Paul B. Rucker and Helga Hedgewalker, professional artists of long-standing reputation in the greater Paganistan area, called “Eye of the Day, Wheel of the Year”, featuring artworks interpreting the movements of the Sun in the ritual year. This half-day exhibition attracted so much interest, that at the request of the Paganicon board, Helga and Paul created the first Third Offering gallery exhibition for 2013 with a small group of curated local artists. Since 2013 this exhibition space continues to feature an amazing array of talent both local and from abroad, and has consistently ranked as one of the most popular attractions at the Con.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the FIRST indoor Pagan conference that has featured a juried art show. For many Pagan-identified artists, whether professional or amateur, this has also been their first opportunity to exhibit work collectively from out of a Pagan cultural context. Experiencing these works has generated much interest and insight for Pagans and others. It has brought together a community of Pagan artists where no such artists’ community has has been before.
Past exhibitions have featured paintings, photography, ceramics, porcelain, pen and ink, colored pencil work, metal work and jewelry, fused glass, mixed media collage and digital art, as well as video pieces, a totem staff, and mixed media sculptural installations. Shrines and altars have been featured as a premier example of modern Pagan folk art. The Third Offering has a commitment to inclusivity and is welcome to selections from all Pagan and Polytheistic artists whether self-identified as professional, semi-pro, or amateur: it exists to show us to ourselves through our creative work.