Paganicon 2022 Party Suites
Party rooms are an important part of any convention – they offer a place to relax, socialize, and get to know other presenters and guests on a more personal, unstructured level. They can be an oasis of calm, to have a cup of tea and a snack before diving back in to the con, or they can offer a raging party and lots of excitement. Quirky themes, amazing decorations, and wonderful people give them each their own unique character. They also provide a GREAT way to spread the vibe and values of your organization to hundreds of people over the course of a fun weekend.
The party suites are studio rooms on the 2nd floor of the conference area. The rooms are a single rectangular space with windows. They will be available from Friday morning until Sunday night.
There are a total of 12 party suites available, in four different sizes. There are seven “regular” party suites that are 20’ x 13’ (260 sq ft) and they will be $375 for the weekend. There are also two “economy” party suites that are 13’ x 13’ (169 sq ft) for $240, two “large” party suites that are 27’ x 13’ (351 sq ft) for $495, and one “extra-large” party suite that is 24’ x 18’ (432 sq ft) for $595.
Party Suites must be open for a minimum of 12 hours throughout the weekend. Party Suites can only be hosted by registered attendees of Paganicon, and someone needs to be “in charge” at all times when the suite is open. Parties should be open to all members of the convention at any time the suite is open. Party suites are only intended for registered participants of Paganicon, purchasers of day passes, or concert/ball ticket holders. You should not invite outside people who are not registered for the convention to come to your suite and you should also ask anyone not wearing a badge to leave your suite. If you have problems with or concerns about a particular person’s presence or behavior, please notify a Paganicon Board Member as soon as possible, or contact Operations.
The open application period is now closed. Please email “parties” at if you are interested in hosting. There are still spaces available. Groups that have already applied will be notified soon regarding space size and location.
Q: When do I have to have my setup/suite description confirmed?
A: There are several different sizes of tables and chairs available and you can have any number of them. A list of what you would like provided in your room needs to be emailed to “parties” by January 1st. Also, if you have a detailed description or schedule of events in your room that you would like included in the program guide, that information needs to be sent in writing to “parties” by February 15th.
Q: What should I provide?
A: You may wish to provide refreshments, decorations, or materials, and are welcome to do so within the policies outlined in our Party Room Guidelines. If you offer food items, a range of small dishes with a variety of choices is often easier to manage than larger bowls (and if they do spill, easier to clean up.) Those with food restrictions deeply appreciate good labeling (and a chance to see the package if needed). There are several restaurants nearby and two grocery stores just a couple miles away should you need supplies. Hosts are responsible for any damages or additional charges for their reserved space during the event.
Q: How will my party room be advertised?
A: Parties will be listed in the conference program and other materials, along with their room number, assigned by Paganicon. Groups hosting rooms will be listed on our website as well. You may also post to our Facebook Event Page once a week starting in January. The week before Paganicon, you may post twice with any updates, news, or encouragement to come to Paganicon and visit your party.