This page is our guide to helping everyone have a great time at Paganicon – and to tell you how we can help if something less pleasant happens.
Need help? Got a concern? Check in with a friendly board member. We’ll be wearing laminated badges that say STAFF; you will always be able to find or contact one of us in the Operations suite (Con Ops).
We’re a diverse community. Harassing or offensive comments about gender, sexuality, race, religion, relationship status, political views, body size, disability, or any other topic are not appropriate for this event. Please let a board member know immediately if a situation, comment, or attendee violates this. Personal disagreements should be left outside of this gathering.
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form, and the aggressor will be immediately asked to leave the event.
If you feel unsafe, or a conflict develops in any way, first go to a public space (the Con Ops suite, hospitality suite or the front desk), and then contact the board member on duty. We will be glad to help resolve the situation to the best of our ability.
Respect presenters and attendees. Read the description carefully to make sure it’s a good fit for you at this time. Turn your phone off or set it to vibrate. Avoid side conversations or other things that can disrupt the item, especially in ritual. If you must enter or leave in the midst of a presentation, please do so quietly and unobtrusively.
The hotel staff are glad to help with specific needs. If something breaks, doesn’t work as expected, or makes a particular mess, please let both the hotel staff and a board member know as soon as possible.
The hotel has other guests. Clothing or appropriate cover-ups are expected in all public spaces. Please be aware of noise levels in public spaces (including hallways), especially late at night. Public displays of affection should be those suitable for a diverse public space.
People have different feelings about photographs and filming at a Pagan event. Please get permission from everyone in the shot before taking a photograph. Photographs should not be posted online without permission from all included. No filming is allowed at this event without advance approval from the executive board.
Alcohol is allowed only in the hotel restaurant, bar and in private rooms. The hospitality suite, convention spaces, and public hotel space (other than the bar) are alcohol free spaces. Paganicon follows all appropriate laws around alcohol consumption by minors.
For everyone’s safety, please leave blades at home. (Limited use for ritual presentations has been discussed with presenters.)
The board reserves the right to ask someone to leave the convention and convention space at our discretion. No refund will be given in this case. Paganicon will support any enforcement of relevant laws and requirements.
Things we can help with:
Don’t know many people? We’ll have options through the weekend to find people to share a meal with. Hanging out in the hospitality room or volunteering are also good ways to meet people in a low-key way.
Got a question about a topic? While Paganicon is aimed at people already familiar with the many strands of Paganism, there’s always more to learn. If you have a question about a particular subject, asking the presenter if you can continue a conversation at a later time, asking around in the hospitality suite, or checking in with the board member on duty are good ways to learn more.