We do our best to respond promptly to email, but sometimes things get lost in the ether, or accidentally deleted or overlooked. (Plus, people do have lives, travel, get sick, and so on.) If you don’t hear from us after 3-5 days, please try again, or send a message via our Facebook Page, which has many different people monitoring it.
We do not put links to emails due to spam bots. There is a list of emails below to use to contact the correct person depending on what you need to know. All emails are the word in quotes @ Paganicon.org.
“info” – general questions or anything not covered below
“programming” – questions regarding submitting programming or entertainment
“operations” – questions regarding the hotel
“volunteers” – questions regarding volunteering
“vendors” – questions regarding vending at Paganicon
“artshow” – questions regarding the Third Offering Gallery
“publicrelations” – questions regarding media or marketing
“parties” – questions regarding hosting a Party Room
“scholarship” – questions regarding our scholarship program